Friday, July 29, 2011

Road Ranting

I can't do this while driving but boy do I have some rants about people and how just down right STUPID they are.

First set - the slows...seriously. You have to do TEN miles UNDER the speed limit and break every two seconds? Really? Why? For what?
If I am lost, and trying to find a street, or a house number I PULL THE HELL OVER AND LET PEOPLE PASS ME!!! Its COMMON courtesy  to other drivers. Something that is LACKING in this country! I HATE when people can't do the recommended speed limit. I am not talking over, or in bad conditions, I am talking about normal every day driving. If its says 45 damn it, do it.

Second - traffic lights. OMG! When did this become a need for a doctorate? Light is green...go! Light is red STOP. My FOUR year old knows this!? Why can't people who apparently passed a driving test follow it? I HATE when people run red lights, it drives me batty. Honestly! I hate when they try to sneak in on yellow light, knowing full well they are going to cause a gridlock! And Go for the love of God get off your phone and MOVE when the light changes! Instead of sitting there sipping your latte and reading the paper! You'll hear a lot less honking if you move when the light changes green.

This brings me to three though - pedestrians - yea you. Crossing against the light...STOP DOING IT! I saw it today, a family (three strollers a crap load of adults) light is green and they are crossing against it! Everyone with the green light had to wait for them to cross. And you do you think they hurried? Nope...took their sweet lazy ass time about it. SO RUDE! OBEY THE LAWS!

Fourth - The fluctuating speed. 45 30 50 25...PICK A SPEED AND STICK TO IT!

Fifth - The passing lane being used as a travel lane. OMG if you are going 45 on a 55 STAY OFF THE PASSING LANE! ITS FOR PEOPLE TO PASS YOUR SLOW ASS

Sixth - Don't use the breakdown lane as a passing lane...or for example at one of our lights. There are two lanes going left, one lane going straight, and one lane going right. This gem of a smarty decided to pass all of us who were waiting to go straight, and then cut out in front of us but nosing in. Really? Its people like this where I literally want to get out of my car and go at their taillights with a baseball bat. Seriously.

There would be a lot less traffic, and a lot less fender benders, and quite a few more peaceful people, if people would just follow the goddamn rules! We all (I hope) took a drivers ed course. We all (?) passed said driving course...why is this so hard? I just don't understand. I hate when two lanes merge into one causing a bottleneck. I'm with you. BUT if you know this is going to happen, be in the lane the stays. End. Of. Story. If you have to merge, wait your turn, if you are nice someone is bound to let you in. Don't be a dick.

Get. Off. Your. Phone. Whether you are texting/talking/emailing/twitting/whatever get. off. it. Its dangerous and stupid. For that matter stop trying apply your damn makeup or read the paper. Not smart. Stop doing it.

Read and obey the road signs. Its not like someone just stuck a deer crossing sign up to see if people would use caution. Oops I hit a deer should have paid attention to that sign back there. Sure the heck isn't for the deer!

Its frustrating to me to watch all this go on. For a few reasons. A) I have a child in my car. So I see any dumb driver as a potential threat tot my child's safety. B) I hate dumb people C) I like to get where I am going while I am still young and D) There are a lot of really expensive cars in my neighborhood, and quite frankly I don't want to be near any of them when one gets hit. Don't care if it was my car that did it or not. I just don't want to be around for that. So I get really angry when I see all this going on. I literally can sit a stop light through two or three rotations and just watch people do the dumbest shit. Its a wonder our traffic accidents aren't more in number. Seriously. Makes me believe in guardian angels, but even they can only do so much.

There are more things that just really get to me but its late, and I am tired and of course...not driving so alas...I am done for now. Seriously though when driving, think to yourself... Am I the driver that I want everyone else to be?

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