Saturday, November 5, 2011

Zombies and other ramblings

I think its kind of funny how accepting people are of a zombie apocalypse. No seriously. There are way more people then you would think that would actually enjoy a zombie apocalypse. The money made on the zombie genera alone should convince you. There are movies, books, video games, conventions, walks for goodness sakes. TV shows, toys, you name it and it has been zobified (is this a word?). Pretty cool. Personally I would love me a zombie apocalypse. Well maybe I would. I always thought it would be cool, but then thinking about it...late at night...I start to think rational like. I don't own a gun. Not one. I have a pretty nasty kitchen knife...and husband has this stick thing he used in karate class...but other then that...we don't have weapon one. And physical endurance. We live a cushy life, with food, climate control, running water...neither one of us has seen the inside of a gym in oh....ever...out run a zombie hoard...not likely. Now I can drive like its my job, but fighting a full grown zombie, with my bare hands...I lose that battle. Then its me that is either the main course, or the next zombie. This makes me think that I wouldn't like a zombie apocalypse after all...maybe a nice plaque would be better...or you Ice Age, haven't had one of those in awhile. Maybe we should leave the zombies to the screenwriters.

Facebook has ruined my life. Really. It has. Every time they come up with something, and I get use to it, I expect every other website to do the same thing. Click on an image, escape to get out of I have to go hit the stupid x in the corner.
Someone at work says something funny...I thumbs up! Like its 1980!
And its making me anti-social yeah. Because I figure, I have all the information I need from my friends by their need to make contact now is there. Friend having a birthday - great thanks Facebook, I don't have to remember it, you did for me, so instead of sending a card or..God forbid...calling them I will just write on their wall, so they can "like" it and we will all have a happy day.

Lady Gaga - I spent way too much time hating on her. Really I did. Lady Gaga if some reason you stumble upon my blog, let me apologize for ever criticizing your work. Art really.
You see, I was shallow. Yes. I wanted to think you were just the next 'thing right now' and really, your not. You are not to be compared to anyone because you are unique. You have inspired a movement. You have told people its okay to be who they are. You have encouraged kids to be honest, and you have given a voice to bulling. For this I bow to you. It takes an extraordinary person to stand up and stand apart from the 'norm'. Although, while I understand the message, the meat dress.?? Not so sure on that one.

Occupy Wall Street - THANK YOU!!! Honestly THANK YOU!! I would do no justice adding to this, so I just say THANK YOU.

Can we just agree to end child abuse? I am so sick (seriously sick) of seeing children being abused. It happens way more then it should and its disgusting. Right now, this very second a kid could be getting abused. It needs to end. If you see something, say something. (that is a slogan for something...not sure what though). But honestly, if you see a kid that looks like its being hurt, tell someone...don't just assume someone else will. And by all that is right, before raising a hand, take a walk. I would love to read the news someday and not see a child abuse case. I seem to see them more and more each day. 
*Note the "see something say something" is from the Department of Homeland Security about raising awareness for terrorism. - Fitting cause I think people who hurt children should be considered terrorist.

I think of things that I want to blog while driving...a good time to think, but not to blog. Unfortunately, by the time I sit down at my computer I have forgotten my wonderful thoughts. Yes I could use a voice recorder, except that I hate my voice, so I would just spend the whole time listening to my ideas, cringing...I could write them down, but then I would probably just get into a crash or I forget them. Maybe someday they will come back to me. For now, I have no way to end this post, its late (not really but with the time change is feels late), and my brain is mush...
On a random side note though, why do people always think zombie's go for brains? First of all in any zombie movie I have seen they usually go for the stomach...second, its pretty hard to get to the brain. Honestly. Much easier to go for an arm or a leg. So when portraying zombies, they shouldn't say "brains" they should something like 'food'. I admit its not that catchy, but defiantly more logical and believable..

I found two gems for pictures when searching "zombie brains" and had to share them both with you. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Be Proactive

I pick up Cody from school the other day and the following conversation takes place:

Me: "How was your day?"
Cody "Not good." he says very mournfully. I am thinking, darn the class fish died.
Me "Oh what happen?"
Cody "Because...everyone wasn't being proactive."
Me "Proactive? Everyone wasn't being proactive?"
Cody "Yep they weren't they were being bad."

I was floored. I knew he in a proactive school, they have the seven habits and the first one is to be proactive. They have a cheer. Be Proactive Be Be proactive. So I know he knows the word and probably does practice it. Still to hear your five year old tell you that people in his class weren't being proactive and this meant he had a bad day. Well it was rather funny.
This philosophy is actually based on a book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - by Stephen R. Covey which I didn't know. The seven habits are (in case you are curious):
1. Habit one: Be Proactive. (ah ha.)
2  Habit two: Begin with the end in mind
3. Habit three: Put first things first
4. Think win-win
5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
6. Synergize
7. Sharpen the saw.

There are definitions, whole chapters devoted to these, and I am sure Cody is learning about all of them. But most important folks proactive. Its amazing what kids are learning these days.
I feel that my son marches to a beat of this own drum. Don't we all. I had a meeting with his teacher this week. The reason for the meeting was because he was having trouble interacting with kids in class. After the meeting with his teacher and the school psychologist it was decided that in addition to his speech and occupational therapy he should now also attend a social interaction group. To work on his social skills.

I feel a few ways about this. First of all, I am glad that he is in a school system that is on top of things. That really pays attention to its students. I feel very lucky that my son is getting this kind of attention. Especially knowing that there are so many children who get pushed through and don't get the help they need to succeed. I really wish every child had this much attention.

Second though, I wonder is all this really necessary? I get the speech and occupational therapy I do. But social awkwardness? He inherited that from his parents. No joke. Personally, I think he does just fine. But I only see him with other kids at the park. I don't see him all day, for five days with the same group of kids, so what do I know, I am just the mom. I agreed to having a social interaction group, I mean hey what can it hurt. Apparently he even has a friend that goes to this group. I want him to be healthy, happy and to succeed in life and I want him to have the tools to do that. If this is what needs to be done then great. However, they did all this testing last December. Cody had just turned four. Just entered Pre-K (after being on a hiatus for two years from any kind of formal day care). So I am not sure how accurate these test were. I know, I know it sounds like a bias mom, making up excuses for her son. Honestly though, anyone who knows Cody would agree. I want them to re-test. I want them to re-test by December, and I guarantee those scores would be much better. This is where I get annoyed. Again, I am find with all these extra special classes...but I hate the PDD-NOS label. (which they are still branding him with). Its fine if he has it...but to use that test from a year ago...i don't know...doesn't seem like they are getting all the information. And fine. If my son has PDD-NOS and I have to make certain allowances in daily life to accommodate it, fine I will. Why? Because to me its not my son who has PDD-NOS or social awkwardness or speech issues or occupational problems...its CODY. My squash. Who I love more then anything. He is unique. I celebrate his uniqueness, I embrace it and I will work with it. Not try to conform him into what is suppose to be 'normal'. I know that isn't what the school is trying to do...I guess I am just tired of the labels. Tired of them trying to fit kids into these little boxes. Sometimes, you don't have a square kid. Sometimes you have a triangle. And really, triangles are more fun.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pom Pom Jars

I'm not above bribing my five year old with pom poms. In fact, I think its the smartest thing we have done. We use them to enforce good behavior and punish bad. We have offenses that warrant pom poms being taken away, and usually there are warnings (with time outs) before it gets to that point.
For the most part, its just pom poms in. He is usually guaranteed three, and even so it takes about month to fill his jar.
When he fills it he gets to pick out a toy. We, toy, in the end he still doesn't seem to get the concept of money to buy things so we went with just getting him a toy. Within reason. We keep it under $25.00.

This month, he wanted a Violin. So for the second time, first time in his memory, we are off to Toys R Us.
Most people would scream, cry, get a root canal before taking a five year old to a toy store. But, my kid is actually pretty good in stores. I mean, yes he can be a pain, but not the all out freak show you see with some kids. For which I am thankful. Still...I was a tad apprehensive when I told him we were going to a Toy Store.
"It just sells toys?" He said with wide eyes
"Yep just a toy store and your going to be good right?"
"You mean it just sells toys? No toilet paper? Or food? Or anything?"
"Yep just toys."
"That. Is. The most amazing thing." Big huge bug eyes with sparkles in them. Well worth any anxiety I had about bring him.

We pull into the parking lot and he is all but bouncing in anticipation. We walking in and you can almost hear hallelujah from his smile.
Again, well worth any trouble this might cause. Because of his reaction I willing to spend a tad more on his toy. He doesn't know where to look first so we end up casing the place three or four times. He spends  good amount of time by the trains, then by the musical instruments (sadly no Violin's). We keep circling back to the cars, so I am thinking he is going to go with a new car. When we find the coolest toy (at least I thought for a kid who likes Cars and likes Remote Control ones to boot). A Mater RC car! I know coolest thing ever.
Price check showed just over 27. Perfect. "So you want to get this?" "hmm...maybe...lets see what else there is." Okay. We go around a few more times. Back to the cars...
But now...see now he has spotted something so cool, so amazing that it puts all other toys to shame. He is so excited...he is almost beyond words.
"Mommy...can I get this?"
"Really Cody? And entire toy store and this is what you find and want."
"Its the best thing ever and I have never had one."
"But...but its not a can't play with it."
"I know but I want it."
"Well what about Mater?"
"He's okay but I want this." Nothing I said could convince him otherwise. He wanted it. It was what he wanted to trade his pom poms for. A price check showed a whopping 10 bucks. I was getting out of this cheep. The whole way to the register I ask him if he is sure. He never wavers, through the rest of the store (because of course the cars are in the back of the store). He was determined. We paid, left the store, and it has hardly been out of his hands since.

Its always amazing to me what will please a child the most. For his birthday, balloons were the big hit over everything. For Christmas last year I think it was the trampoline.

What ever it is that makes them happy is worth it though. Whether its a toy or time. And of course usually, time makes up for every single toy in the world. Because, maybe its just me, but the time we spent looking together, driving to the store, and just hanging out, was more fun and more rewarding then the toy. Course, that might just be me...he might have just been happy to get the most amazing thing ever. Still...a mom can dream.

Oh what was it that was cooler then all the toys Toys R us has to offer? Why a buzz lightyear umbrella of course!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Road Ranting

I can't do this while driving but boy do I have some rants about people and how just down right STUPID they are.

First set - the slows...seriously. You have to do TEN miles UNDER the speed limit and break every two seconds? Really? Why? For what?
If I am lost, and trying to find a street, or a house number I PULL THE HELL OVER AND LET PEOPLE PASS ME!!! Its COMMON courtesy  to other drivers. Something that is LACKING in this country! I HATE when people can't do the recommended speed limit. I am not talking over, or in bad conditions, I am talking about normal every day driving. If its says 45 damn it, do it.

Second - traffic lights. OMG! When did this become a need for a doctorate? Light is green...go! Light is red STOP. My FOUR year old knows this!? Why can't people who apparently passed a driving test follow it? I HATE when people run red lights, it drives me batty. Honestly! I hate when they try to sneak in on yellow light, knowing full well they are going to cause a gridlock! And Go for the love of God get off your phone and MOVE when the light changes! Instead of sitting there sipping your latte and reading the paper! You'll hear a lot less honking if you move when the light changes green.

This brings me to three though - pedestrians - yea you. Crossing against the light...STOP DOING IT! I saw it today, a family (three strollers a crap load of adults) light is green and they are crossing against it! Everyone with the green light had to wait for them to cross. And you do you think they hurried? Nope...took their sweet lazy ass time about it. SO RUDE! OBEY THE LAWS!

Fourth - The fluctuating speed. 45 30 50 25...PICK A SPEED AND STICK TO IT!

Fifth - The passing lane being used as a travel lane. OMG if you are going 45 on a 55 STAY OFF THE PASSING LANE! ITS FOR PEOPLE TO PASS YOUR SLOW ASS

Sixth - Don't use the breakdown lane as a passing lane...or for example at one of our lights. There are two lanes going left, one lane going straight, and one lane going right. This gem of a smarty decided to pass all of us who were waiting to go straight, and then cut out in front of us but nosing in. Really? Its people like this where I literally want to get out of my car and go at their taillights with a baseball bat. Seriously.

There would be a lot less traffic, and a lot less fender benders, and quite a few more peaceful people, if people would just follow the goddamn rules! We all (I hope) took a drivers ed course. We all (?) passed said driving course...why is this so hard? I just don't understand. I hate when two lanes merge into one causing a bottleneck. I'm with you. BUT if you know this is going to happen, be in the lane the stays. End. Of. Story. If you have to merge, wait your turn, if you are nice someone is bound to let you in. Don't be a dick.

Get. Off. Your. Phone. Whether you are texting/talking/emailing/twitting/whatever get. off. it. Its dangerous and stupid. For that matter stop trying apply your damn makeup or read the paper. Not smart. Stop doing it.

Read and obey the road signs. Its not like someone just stuck a deer crossing sign up to see if people would use caution. Oops I hit a deer should have paid attention to that sign back there. Sure the heck isn't for the deer!

Its frustrating to me to watch all this go on. For a few reasons. A) I have a child in my car. So I see any dumb driver as a potential threat tot my child's safety. B) I hate dumb people C) I like to get where I am going while I am still young and D) There are a lot of really expensive cars in my neighborhood, and quite frankly I don't want to be near any of them when one gets hit. Don't care if it was my car that did it or not. I just don't want to be around for that. So I get really angry when I see all this going on. I literally can sit a stop light through two or three rotations and just watch people do the dumbest shit. Its a wonder our traffic accidents aren't more in number. Seriously. Makes me believe in guardian angels, but even they can only do so much.

There are more things that just really get to me but its late, and I am tired and of course...not driving so alas...I am done for now. Seriously though when driving, think to yourself... Am I the driver that I want everyone else to be?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Land of the Free...ish

I went on a little bit of a rant with my good sister today...I feel like there is a little more purging to be done though.
The conversation started: Sister was watching one of those court shows, Judge Alan or something...a guy was suing his son and he was quoted telling his son, "I gave you a chance to change your lifestyle before I stopped speaking to you." His son is gay. Here is my rant.

We live in America, well I do. Its the land of the free, home of the brave and all that jazz. Men and woman have died to give us our freedom as we so patriotically shout out every Memorial Day and Fourth of July. They continue to fight for our freedoms. America's short history is written with the blood of these men and woman. So as a so called free country...why should it matter if some is gay or not? Hmm? Or if you are white/black? Catholic or Jewish? Hmm...Where is this written that its a free country...oh unless you are Hindu...not for you guys sorry. Its bull shit. Plain and simple. You can't have your free country and exclude people from it. Its just wrong. If you are an American citizen then in this country you should have freedoms. Freedom to marry whom we choose. Freedom to worship or not worship any deity of our choosing, free to be any color, free to be of any income status, or educational background. Free to be treated like free men and woman. The people of America deserve to live in the land that was fought for us to live in. Not in a country where freedom is for the select few. Where freedom is only a figure of speech.

I understand, everybody has an opinion. Your religion might tell you, homosexuality is bad. Who cares. Just because you accept it, doesn't mean you have to do it. I also understand that a lot of people won't agree with me. They think that by Joe and John getting married its going to ruin the whole country and our 'morals'. You know what I say? Look at the country.

Our debt...17 trillion and counting. Trillion. Think about that. Health care, is I am sorry, still a joke in this country. Unemployment is up 9.2 the highest its been for the longest since the 40's. Moral is down, crime is up. Housing market stinks...and they just announced that Boarders is closing. Sorry, but Joe and John getting married or Sally and Susan adopting a baby is the LEAST of our problems.

I love my country, don't get me wrong. With all its problems I love it. Why? Because I am free to write this blog. Because I am free to have as many babies as I want. Because I can work. Because I can dress the way that suits me. We just need to work on the rest of our so called freedoms. Legalize gay marriage.

For the love of everything everyone needs to calm down, and live and let live. Really. Just live. Be compassionate to those around you. Help who can help. Follow mama's advice, if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all. Raise your children to be tolerant of all people. Raise children to be respectful and helpful. Remember that what we do, the consequences get left to our children, and their children. Your footsteps leave an everlasting mark, tread carefully as you walk through life, tread peacefully.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Easy answer - Don't Have Kids

I'll admit, I love reading the headlines and stories on Yahoo. Sometimes you find gems, a blogger who you start following cause they know how to deal with picky eaters. Or important information like who's who in Hollywood and what movies they are currently in.

Today I stumbled upon a very good one. A book coming out, entitled. Torn: The true stories of kids, Career and modern motherhood. A quote or two from this book.

"I wasn't feeling very empowered. I was feeling tricked and misled and angry. Why had I worked my ass off to start a career that I would only have to derail once I gave birth?"

..."Giving up the money (more than half our income) was hard. Giving up the label and prestige was harder…. Feeding her and getting her to sleep were victories. But where was the 'A' I was used to getting, and where was my bonus?"  

There are more like this. This is where I went off a bit. (Thankfully I have a very understanding husband who agrees with me).

Girls, if you want your big fancy career your super duper paycheck, designer clothing, etc. etc. and don't want that "spoiled" by having to have to 'gasp' be a mom, then don't. Seriously. Don't. The quote "tricked and misled and angry" by what? 

I got pregnant with out trying. I don't call it a mistake. I don't called it an oops. I call it gift. A wonderful miracle I didn't even know I needed. If you willingly think, career, husband okay time for kid and then say wait what? you mean I have to pick them up at daycare when they are sick? What's this a performance I have to attend, play dates, you mean they don't raise themselves? Then holy goodness DON'T have them! There are around 7billion people on this planet. That's right, over 7billion. I think the world can live with selfish people breeding. Fun fact, kids always know how you feel. Always.

If you can't put your career on the back burner, put yourself second, put your kids needs before you own, then you shouldn't have kids. Seriously wake up and think about that. That doesn't make you a bad person. It doesn't. You can adopt, later in life, you can have children once you are settled in your career. Freeze your eggs so they are ready when you are. Whatever, there are so many options. You don't have to go and have kids because society says to. Don't have them if you can't handle them.

It bothers me beyond belief when people use their kids as an excuse. "shucks, I would have gotten my doctorate, *looks at child* but you know..." "Yeah I use to be a size 0 *looks at baby* but you know..."
Man up damn it. Its a kid, your kid. Stop treating them like they are a mistake, or an obstacle.

This week, for an example. My son has half days all week. Sucks to be me right? No, why? I get to spend time with my son. Because the only regret I have working is that it takes me away from him. I get through this knowing he is having FUN and learning while I am slaving away. I have maybe five minutes ten with bad traffic, to go from worker bee to mom. I do this because I want to. I do this because I love being a mom. And I never asked to be one. This wasn't a quote 'choice'. I have dirty laundry that piles up, dust in the corners, and there is a mystery meat in the freezer that I keep forgetting to throw out. I like it. Yes it stresses me out, yes I get frustrated, but I wouldn't change it for anything. I don't remember the last time I got a good night sleep (okay that one I would gladly have back), my figure will probably never be the same. But I have laugh lines and I like them. My tummy is the perfect pillow for a little head, and they make a wonderful beverage called coffee that I am in favor of.

I posted an article this week for men to man up and be dads. Well women, you have to man up and be a mom too. Just because you have the ability to have babies doesn't mean you are exempt for the rest of their life. And it doesn't mean you get to blame them for ruining your life.