Saturday, November 5, 2011

Zombies and other ramblings

I think its kind of funny how accepting people are of a zombie apocalypse. No seriously. There are way more people then you would think that would actually enjoy a zombie apocalypse. The money made on the zombie genera alone should convince you. There are movies, books, video games, conventions, walks for goodness sakes. TV shows, toys, you name it and it has been zobified (is this a word?). Pretty cool. Personally I would love me a zombie apocalypse. Well maybe I would. I always thought it would be cool, but then thinking about it...late at night...I start to think rational like. I don't own a gun. Not one. I have a pretty nasty kitchen knife...and husband has this stick thing he used in karate class...but other then that...we don't have weapon one. And physical endurance. We live a cushy life, with food, climate control, running water...neither one of us has seen the inside of a gym in oh....ever...out run a zombie hoard...not likely. Now I can drive like its my job, but fighting a full grown zombie, with my bare hands...I lose that battle. Then its me that is either the main course, or the next zombie. This makes me think that I wouldn't like a zombie apocalypse after all...maybe a nice plaque would be better...or you Ice Age, haven't had one of those in awhile. Maybe we should leave the zombies to the screenwriters.

Facebook has ruined my life. Really. It has. Every time they come up with something, and I get use to it, I expect every other website to do the same thing. Click on an image, escape to get out of I have to go hit the stupid x in the corner.
Someone at work says something funny...I thumbs up! Like its 1980!
And its making me anti-social yeah. Because I figure, I have all the information I need from my friends by their need to make contact now is there. Friend having a birthday - great thanks Facebook, I don't have to remember it, you did for me, so instead of sending a card or..God forbid...calling them I will just write on their wall, so they can "like" it and we will all have a happy day.

Lady Gaga - I spent way too much time hating on her. Really I did. Lady Gaga if some reason you stumble upon my blog, let me apologize for ever criticizing your work. Art really.
You see, I was shallow. Yes. I wanted to think you were just the next 'thing right now' and really, your not. You are not to be compared to anyone because you are unique. You have inspired a movement. You have told people its okay to be who they are. You have encouraged kids to be honest, and you have given a voice to bulling. For this I bow to you. It takes an extraordinary person to stand up and stand apart from the 'norm'. Although, while I understand the message, the meat dress.?? Not so sure on that one.

Occupy Wall Street - THANK YOU!!! Honestly THANK YOU!! I would do no justice adding to this, so I just say THANK YOU.

Can we just agree to end child abuse? I am so sick (seriously sick) of seeing children being abused. It happens way more then it should and its disgusting. Right now, this very second a kid could be getting abused. It needs to end. If you see something, say something. (that is a slogan for something...not sure what though). But honestly, if you see a kid that looks like its being hurt, tell someone...don't just assume someone else will. And by all that is right, before raising a hand, take a walk. I would love to read the news someday and not see a child abuse case. I seem to see them more and more each day. 
*Note the "see something say something" is from the Department of Homeland Security about raising awareness for terrorism. - Fitting cause I think people who hurt children should be considered terrorist.

I think of things that I want to blog while driving...a good time to think, but not to blog. Unfortunately, by the time I sit down at my computer I have forgotten my wonderful thoughts. Yes I could use a voice recorder, except that I hate my voice, so I would just spend the whole time listening to my ideas, cringing...I could write them down, but then I would probably just get into a crash or I forget them. Maybe someday they will come back to me. For now, I have no way to end this post, its late (not really but with the time change is feels late), and my brain is mush...
On a random side note though, why do people always think zombie's go for brains? First of all in any zombie movie I have seen they usually go for the stomach...second, its pretty hard to get to the brain. Honestly. Much easier to go for an arm or a leg. So when portraying zombies, they shouldn't say "brains" they should something like 'food'. I admit its not that catchy, but defiantly more logical and believable..

I found two gems for pictures when searching "zombie brains" and had to share them both with you. Enjoy.