It is completely commercialized which, of course, we all know. I don't like it. I am sure many people don't like it. Buy this if you want her to love you, buy that if you want your kids to be the envy of their friends...and it goes on and on. I feel like the Grinch, in this respect anyway. I feel like too many people either forget WHY we celebrate Christmas, or just don't care anymore.
Let me just set the record straight. I am Buddhist. Self-taught, still learning one, but that is my belief. That being said, I DO believe in the man Jesus Christ. Yes I do. I believe he was real. I believe he helped everyone he met, I believe he gave hope to people who had lost it. Compassion to those who had only known coldness, love to those who had only known hate. To me, he was a man who never thought he was above us but one of us. He showed, through example, that loving your neighbor, treating them as you would like to be treated, was the only way to live life. This man died for what he believed in, and died for the people who believed IN him.
Now that the bible lesson (or my version of it is done), does its seem right that we 'honor' this man's memory by becoming complete and total lunatics?? Black Friday...yea prime example as to how messed up this whole things has gotten and how very far away we are from where we should be. I like to buy gifts to. I love seeing my sons face on Christmas morning. That being said, he has known (although is probably too young to understand), that this holiday isn't about the toys, its about remembering a man who died trying to make our lives better. It's about a man who lived his entire life, for the goodness of ours. He didn't judge. How I wish there were more like him today...
I have things that bother me (and again I am a Buddhist), about this whole holiday season.
1. Don't call it a 'winter mix' when all you play are Christmas songs. Its just stupid, call it what is...Christmas Music.
2. For the love of everything I would ask all singers to STOP COMING OUT WITH CHRISTMAS CD's. We don't care if you want your boyfriend back for Christmas, or if you thong has a Santa Clause on it. I despise most Christmas Music these days. I would LOVE it if the stations would stick to the classics, you know the music about what Christmas is really about.
3. If one more store asks me to sign up for the credit card, I might kill them
4. Its NOT a holiday tree. Its a CHRISTMAS TREE. I don't call it a holiday candle set, so don't call it a holiday tree.
5. OMG and holiday stamps. Would you like wreaths or you mean Christmas Stamps. O.o
Okay so some people might find me hypocritical here. I understand that. A Buddhist lecturing the masses about how to celebrate a Christin Holiday. But I feel like I have just as much right to be annoyed as the next person. The toy companies, the card companies, jewelry, etc. etc...have all gotten rich off this holiday. they make you feel guilty for not buying the next big thing. Don't. Instead feel guilty for NOT doing for your fellow man. Donate to Charity (all year but hey double points for doing it now), lend a helping hand, give food to the shelters and food banks (they really really need all the help they can get), donate a toy to a kid in need, doesn't have to break the bank, most kids are just happy to have something, anything, under the tree. If you see a fellow man down on the ground, don't walk over him, pick him up. The Buddhist and the Christan's really go hand in hand here. Its all about compassion. Remember then man who lived each day with Compassion, and live each day of yours the same way.
And stop listening to Maria Carry's Christmas CD, its poison.
Just a couple of sites to get you started!!
I would just like to say that as a Wiccan (self-taught and still learning) that we have lost all true sight of what Decemeber is. YULE!!! Winter Solstice! Yule Tide!! BAH!
ReplyDeleteI love Jesus, he was a fantastic man! I appreciate his love and everything he did for the earth, the people, the God and Goddess. Amazing prophet and human. But he wasn't REALLY born in Decemeber! He was born God knows when (records were horrible back then!) But the only reason we celebrate his birthday in Decemeber is because the Christians wanted to over rule the Pagans so they took all of the Pagan holidays and morphed them into their own! No joke. I'm not just saying that to be a doo doo head, but it's a fact. Pagans celebrate Winter Solstice, Yule,the midway point of winter, which usually occurs around the 21st, 22nd of December; Christians overtook this time of year to show a more 'God like' experience because they were fearful of Pagans. Pagans were ungodly, so the Christians morphed the beliefs. The same thing happens at Easter, aka Oestra, the Spring Equinox. Ever heard of Oestra? Yea, she is the Goddess of fertility. Spring, bunnies. Why else would Christians celebrate easter with chocolate bunnies and Eggs? Oh yea, they stold that from the Pagans too.
Just a list of some more holidays that were.. revamped.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that Christmas is a holiday to be celebrated. I celebrated it all my life and will continue to do so. But my religion also believes this is a time to celebrate life and rebirth (the days are going to get longer!!) So, I think we shouldn't loose the meaning of Christmas either. I think this time of year is about birth (Jesus can have that credit too), and offering, hence gifts. I just think we need to do it in a less manic way.