Sunday, February 20, 2011

This is why I don't like roller coasters....

Its because one minute everything is fine, world is stable beneath your feet and then next...whoosh...flip...spin....breathtaking heart stopping, stomach flipping downward spiral. Wham!! Nothing is what you thought, you are left with a shocked expression, funny tingling in your stomach and a bad hair do. That night what? Can you sleep? No. Why? Because you are thinking about that roller coaster. You might still be feeling it. You might still be a little sick.

This is life though. This is how life works. Its always been that way. Sometimes the roller coaster is awesome. Best ride of your life. Sometimes its scary, and you want nothing more then to get off. Sometimes, there is a dark tunnel and you can't see the end. Then when you think all hope is lost, the light shines through and you see it was worth it.

So what ride are you on this week, month, year? The kind where you are happy and having a great time? Or the one where you are begging the attendant to let you off? Just remember, my fellow riders, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. It may be hard to see now sure, it may be very distant, and it might not make up for all the pain and fright and anxiety you had during the ride, but it will make the ride worth it. I can say that, even though I am currently on a very strange ride. One I never thought to be on, one I hoped to leave behind.

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